Apologies and Enrollment


  • The number of apologies became unlimited after the Constitutional Court had issued its ruling that the second paragraph article of article 80 in the executive bylaw of University Organization is not constitutional.
  • The first excuse is under the authority of Faculty Council, while the rest of excuses are under the authority of University Council.
  • An apology for not taking the exam of one subject, a term or two terms is considered one apology.
  • A student pays tuition fees.
  • Apology must be submitted before the exam, during the exam or immediately after the exam and must be related to a coercive excuse as follows:
    • Death
    • Chronic disease
    • Emergency accident
    • Admission to public hospital
    • Emergency surgery.
  • This excuse is ratified according to a report sanctioned by the specialized medical committee at Faculty of Medicine.

Enrollment Suspension

  • It is indentified with stipulation of article 69 and decree of University Council.
  • Its cases are as follows:
    • Recruitment
    • Being summoned for military service
    • Long illness
    • Detention or imprisonment
    • Spouse accompaniment if he or she is a teaching staff member or assistant staff member
  • A student does not pay tuition fees
  • The procedures previously mentioned in health excuse are applied in enrollment suspension for illness.