Agricultural Botany Department

Vision of the Department

It is excellence in education and in research activities related to botany and service of community and environment.

Mission of the Department

    Department of Agricultural Botany at Faculty of Agriculture, Tanta University, is an educational and research Department that seeks to achieve its mission through:
  • Helping the Department to occupy a distinguished scientific stature among local and regional agricultural botany departments.
  • Educating and training students through a good educational process to qualify them academically and meeting labor market needs in the agricultural field.
  • Preparation of outstanding faculty members that can fulfill aspirations of the Department, the Faculty and the University.
  • Conducting research related to social needs and seeking to increase environmental awareness.
  • Raising the level of research and scientific projects produced by the Department and adopting applied fields that serve community and develop the environment.
  • Cooperation with departments of the Faculty, other faculties and research centers in conducting research and joint projects that serve community.

  • To increase students’ understanding and awareness of basics and practices in the field of agricultural botany.
  • To raise students’ awareness about the significant role of agricultural botany in agricultural development and its impact on community and the environment.
  • To encourage students to be interested in coping with quick developments in the field of agricultural botany.
  • To qualify graduates for work and conducting research in the field of agricultural botany to serve and develop community and to compete in labor market.
  • To teach all academic courses to students of the specialization, other divisions in undergraduate stage, Master’s and PhD students at the Department, and other departments at the University or at other universities in area of animal production sciences.
  • To take part in national campaigns to develop animal production in Egypt.
  • To train agricultural engineers as well as Arab student in applied fields of animal production sciences.
  • To seek to attract research projects to solve animal production problems.
  • To answer inquiries of animal keepers and farm owners about some problems they encounter.
  • Scientific publishing and participation in international and local scientific conferences
  • Formation of Council of Agricultural Botany Department in August 2018

    • Prof. Abdel Naser 'Abdel Ghani Al-Za'wily, Professor of Agricultural Botany, Acting Head of Department Council

    • Prof. Nabila Shahin Hassan, Full Professor of Agricultural Botany

    • Dr. Hanafi Farouk 'Abdel Maksod, Assistant Professor of Agricultural Botany.

    Address: Agricultural Botany Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Gharbia Governorate
    Telephone No.: 040/3353335
     Telex: 040/3359363
    Fax: 040/3359363