Food science and technology Department

Vision of the Department

It is excellence in food science and technology so that we can become leaders of thought, science and practice at the local and Arab levels.
In the future, the vision of the department is represented in the following points:

  • To prepare specialists and researchers to work in governmental and private institutions and organizations, governmental and private factories, laboratories and research centers working in different fields of food science and technology.
  • To conduct applied research to solve manufacturing problems, to improve performance and develop work at factories and companies that work in the area of food.
  • To offer training and guidance courses to increase scientific and practical efficiency of personnel in the field of food industries.
  • To present specialized scientific consultations and suitable solutions to problems that face food manufacturing.
  • To hold conferences and specialized scientific symposiums in the field of food science and technology.
  • To cooperate with scientific local, regional and international organizations in making research projects and holding scientific symposiums and training courses in the area of food science and technology.
  • To contribute to preparation and provision of scientific references in Arabic in topics related to food science and technology.

Mission of the Department

In the context of mission of Faculty of Agriculture, Food Science and Technology Department is committed to qualifying scientific and research cadres through providing them with practical expertise that can meet labor market needs as well as development and boosting food industries in Egypt and the Arab region in various areas of food science and technology and related environmental fields via:

  • Preparation of graduates in the field of food science (food and dairy industries) who are able to meet needs of different areas of the food manufacturing sector.
  • Preparation of researchers in the area of food and dairy industries who are able to develop this field through applied research plans to meet requirements of this industry within the framework of master's and doctorate programs.
  • To pay training visits to food and dairy factories in order to inform students with applied aspects in line with the courses they are studying at the department.
  • Continuous development of courses to keep up with new advancements at counterpart departments at other universities.
  • To provide good educational service during the undergraduate and postgraduate stages and to conduct and develop academic and applied research in order to obtain scientific degrees and to solve industrial problems as well as the guidance role of serving and developing work in the field of food science and technology.

Formation of Department Council

  • Prof. Mosa Abdo Salem, Head of Department Council
  • Prof. Mohammed Yehia 'Ali Al-Hawari, Full Professor of Dairy
  • Prof. Mohammed Basim 'Ata, Professor of Food Industries
  • Dr. Mahmoud 'Abdel 'Aziz Imam, Assistant Professor of Food Industries
  • Dr. Ashraf Sha'ban Taha Bakr, Assistant Professor of Dairy
  • Dr. Abdullah Mohammed Al-Harmil, Lecturer of Dairy
  • Dr. Dina Ahmed Mortada 'Amer, Lecturer of Dairy
  • Dr. Amira 'Abdel 'Aal, Lecturer of Food Industries

Address: Food science and technology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Gharbia Governorate
Telephone No.: 040/3353335
 Telex: 040/3359363
Fax: 040/3359363