It is to be distinguished and accredited academically in general agricultural production at the local, regional and international levels.
Faculty of Agriculture at Tanta University abides by graduating an agricultural engineer according to the standard academic national
criteria who meets needs of local and regional labor market and who is able to conduct innovative scientific research and to offer social
services, field training and scientific consultations in the framework of development ethics.
First Goal: Enhancing the Performance System and Ensuring Continuous Quality
- Developing human resource capabilities.
- Regular evaluation of human resources performance.
- Reviewing and analyzing the structure of the academic framework.
- Adopting performance indicators for quality assurance.
- Periodic review of departments, administrations, and units.
- Obtaining diverse accreditations.
Second Goal: Continuous Development of Programs and Courses in Line with Labor Market Requirements
- Continuous diversification according to academic benchmark standards.
- Regular review of programs and courses.
- Ongoing updating of program and course descriptions.
Third Goal: Supporting and Encouraging Applied Scientific Research
- Developing the college's scientific journal.
- Supporting and encouraging applied research and international publication.
- Promoting competitive projects.
- Encouraging the organization of local and international conferences regularly.
Fourth Goal: Developing and Enhancing Resources
- Enhancing the college’s self-resources.
- Maintaining and improving the college’s financial resources.
- Supporting the electronic infrastructure of the college.
Fifth Goal: Active Engagement with the External Community and Enhancing the College’s Competitiveness
- Active participation in attracting employment opportunities for college graduates.
- Benefiting from external community expertise.
- Expanding partnerships with local and international companies.
- Elevating the college’s competitiveness and ranking.