Faculty dean

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

It is a great opportunity to welcome you all, news and current students, at Faculty of Agriculture at Tanta University that is one of the most important scientific faculties related directly to serving the community where we live as it undertakes the responsibility of preparing and graduating specialists in the agricultural field at the highest level. In addition, it assumes the responsibility of conducting different researches that participate in solving problems of the agricultural sector in both its plant and animal sections, and seeking to develop this sector through recent studies that cope with the international ones.
No doubt that Faculty of Agriculture at Tanta University has an outstanding group of faculty members with great experience who graduated from the best and most capable world universities and who can continuously develop the Faculty and perform their duties perfectly and efficiently. In order to achieve that, there must be leadership and administration able to improve work internal environment at the Faculty, enhance partnership with administrative and academic bodies and research centers allover Egypt, to make reform and thoughtful development so as to deal with lots of administration and academic problems. Thus, the academic and professional level of faculty members and students at the Faculty will be raised to as desired to fulfill goal of the Faculty regarding improvement and gaining academic accreditation constantly.
Agriculture is the foundation of our civilization so it has become significant part in our culture, economy and daily life. Therefore, agricultural development takes a high priority in economic policies and investment in many economic development and reform programs of the state because agriculture is important as a source of food and raw materials. It also absorbs large percentage of labor force. Nowadays, there are new developments that raised the relative significance of agriculture such as continuous food shortage during the last decade as a result of degradation of agricultural land and increase of population by about 2 million people annually. Hence, 150 acres annually must be reclaimed.
Thus, more interest has to be given to agricultural education, reparation of technical cadres, needed researches in this field particularly production of species that need little amounts of water, usage of modern irrigation methods, and agriculture in deserts and semi-desert areas.
Thereupon, we must reassess ourselves to cope with advancement through development of curricula, bylaws, teaching methods and scientific content of academic courses.
Dear students, we must possess knowledge and science in order to help our beloved country to progress, in addition to adhering to good ethics and abiding by principles and rules of the university. We must always be keen on acquiring information, giving and dedication to work. I wish you always success and achieving the good of our beloved homeland.

Faculty dean

Prof. Essawi Kasem Mohamed Rezk

Dean's personal webpage