Animal Production Department

Vision of the Department

It is advancement and excellence in animal production sciences, veterinary care and its applications to prepare specialized cadres qualified to meet labor market needs with optimal use of available resources and preservation of the environment.

Mission of the Department

Animal Production Department at Faculty of Agriculture, Tanta University, seeks to prepare distinguished cadres capable of meeting local and regional labor market requirements, to bridge the gap between production and actual needs for animal products, to be pioneer in conducting scientific research to keep pace with international developments, and to transfer knowledge to workers in the field of animal production and veterinary care out of keenness on environment service and community development.

  • To conduct research in the following areas:
    • Animal production
    • Poultry production
    • Fish production
  • To teach all academic courses to students of the specialization, other divisions in undergraduate stage, Master’s and PhD students at the Department, and other departments at the University or at other universities in area of animal production sciences.
  • To take part in national campaigns to develop animal production in Egypt.
  • To train agricultural engineers as well as Arab student in applied fields of animal production sciences.
  • To seek to attract research projects to solve animal production problems.
  • To answer inquiries of animal keepers and farm owners about some problems they encounter.
  • Scientific publishing and participation in international and local scientific conferences

Head of Department, Prof. Sa'd Zaghlol Al-Damarawi
Full Professors:
Prof. Mohammed Al-Fateh Reyad Hammad
Prof. Adel Salah Khattab
Prof. Adel Al-Sayed Abo Zeid
Prof. Sa'd Zaghlol Al-Damarawi
Prof. Sherif Abdel Wanis Gabr
Dr. Abdel Aziz Mohammed Abdel Aziz
Assistant Professors:
Dr. Soha Abdel Hamid Farag
Dr. Shimaa Mohammed Ata Al-Komi
Dr. Tal'at Khedr Gaber Al-Rayes
Dr. Ahmed Abdel Wanis Gabr
Dr. Ahmed Abdel Halim Khattab
Dr. Mohammed Foda Al-Basyouni

Address: Animal Production Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Gharbia Governorate
Telephone No.: 040/3353335
 Telex: 040/3359363
Fax: 040/3359363