Alumnies Unit

To obtain temporary graduation certificates:

  • The student applies to the college with a release from the relevant departments that the student dealt with during his studies at the college.
  • The student submits a request to withdraw the papers in the name of Mr. Prof. Dr. / Dean of the College, attaching 3 personal photos + a photo of the ID card + the prescribed stamp + the required educational services stamps, along with paying the original certificate fee (cardboard).

To document graduation certificates (temporary - cardboard - estimates)

  • The student submits the certificates to be authenticated to the Graduate Administration of the General Administration of Education and Student Affairs for review and approval for authentication by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • The original certificate (cardboard) is extracted after it is edited and reviewed by the General Administration of Education and Student Affairs and approved by Mr. Professor Dr./Dean of the College and Mr. Prof. Dr./President of the University.
  • The certificate holder or his representative shall submit the original certificate from the college after it has been completed and approved .

To modify graduate data:

  • The student submits his temporary and original certificates and proof of the validity of the amendment to the college from which he graduated to take the necessary procedures for presentation to the College Council and then send them to the administration to take procedures for amending them.
  • The temporary certificate is extracted from the college with the name before the amendment and after the amendment.
  • The name is edited after the modification on the side of the original certificate and is approved.

To obtain a replacement for a lost cardboard certificate:

  • Submit an application in the name of Mr. Prof. Dr./ Vice President of the University or his authorized representative, attaching the remains of the damaged certificate or a police report indicating the loss of the certificate.
  • The cost of issuing the certificate will be paid to the university treasury, and the payment receipt will be delivered to the Graduate Administration (editing department) so that the administration can take the procedures for issuing and approving the certificate.
  • Each college posts its students’ results on the Internet so that the student can know his results throughout his years of study in the college, through University databases website
  • To verify the accuracy of the certificate data of Tanta University graduates....... Click here
  • Graduates Follow-up Unit....... Click here
  • Faculty Library

Alumnies Unit